Monday, July 18, 2011

30-Day Projects

Two of my friends have just inspired me to blog again... Thank you Retta & Marilu!

A while ago, I saw this video:
and was inspired to start my own 30-day projects.  But I didn't... procrastination gets the best of me every time.  And then I read Retta's most recent blog post - she was also inspired by this video & has started her 30-day projects, beginning with cleaning and fixing up her yard and house, taking baby steps one day at a time.  So I'm inspired again.

I want these to be fun or experimental little goals.  So that I enjoy doing them and possibly learn something about myself.

For the rest of July, I'm going to draw something every day.  I've always wanted to learn how to draw, I even have a set of drawing pencils and a couple of sketch pads, but I haven't taken the time to do it.  While at the book store yesterday, I looked at the drawing section and found a couple of how-to books that I think I could follow.  On my way home from the gym today, I'm going to stop by the store again and buy one.  Then tonight... my first sketch!

Some other potential 30-day project ideas:  Saying "Hello" or "Good Morning" to everyone whose paths I cross, read at least 1/2 hour, take a picture, write a novel (see the video), meditate, and learn a new word.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

For Lunch: Chard & White Bean Stew

Oh my YUM!  

I just made a batch of Chard & White Bean Stew from smitten kitchen's food blog.  I had planned on saving if for dinner and having my leftover veggie pizza for lunch, but after tasting a bit, decided to put the pizza off until dinner.  This is that good.  Soooooo good.

I love smitten kitchen.  It's my favorite food blog out there and everything I've made from it has exceeded my expectations.  I must have the same taste bud genes as Deb, the blog author.

I won't bother re-creating the recipe here...if you're interested, just hop on over to her site.  Here are the ingredients though:

Swiss chard
olive oil
dry white wine
white beans
vegetable broth
pureed tomatoes
bay leaf
sherry vinegar


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January Book Club: The Invisible Man

Book Club night!  We discussed The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells.

My thoughts about the book were right in line with everyone else's.  We agreed that for its time, it was an important book.  It was one of the first to explore science fiction and therefore granted its permanent place in our literary canon.  But we also agreed that it was a somewhat lackluster story.  The characters weren't developed enough or likable enough and there seemed to be something missing.  I felt that it could have done better in exploring the human psyche when faced with extraordinary situations, and was left feeling that there was a missed opportunity to do so.  It was like a brainless action movie that just moves from car chase scene to car chase scene and the people are just the props.  I'm glad I read it though.  It's one of those books that help you understand the history and development of our literature and culture.

Book for February:  The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara.  I picked it up a few minutes ago to start reading only to discover that the first 13 pages are missing!  Ai-ai-aiiiiii.  It's a novel about the Civil War.  I'm not a big fan of war fiction, but this won a Pulitzer Prize, so I'm hopeful this will be an exception.  Has anyone read it?  How did you like it?