Saturday, October 9, 2010

S U C C E S S : Bingo! 50 extra points, please.

I just got home from an evening of Scrabble at Dawn's & Alec's house.  

   Dawn and Alec   

Once a month, they host a Scrabble Meetup for about 25 people.  It's a non-meal potluck, which means what, do you think?  Brownies, cookies, and cakes, oh my.  I was a little apprehensive about going, but to my great surprise, it wasn't difficult at all.  At all!  AT ALL!!  I brought grapes and chips & salsa, which satisfied me perfectly.  Progress has been made, people, progress has been made.  I didn't even want that other stuff, I wanted the grapes.  Usually, Scrabble nights are a food free-for-all, I usually try everything at least once.  But tonight was different.  Tonight I made (relatively) healthy choices and did not feel tempted at all by the sugary sweets.  Ahhhhh...basking in the glow of a job well done.

Tonight's Thank You moment is also about Scrabble.

I'm grateful for the game of Scrabble because it led me to meet some very good friends, the kind of friends you know you'll have for a lifetime.

I love the concept of the website Meetup.  It's getting harder and harder in this world to be lonely.  You can connect with anyone anywhere any time you want if you have a computer.  Meetup is a social networking website where you can find groups with similar interests as yours.  There are groups for dog lovers, wine lovers, campers & hikers, game players, and so on and so on.  You simply join a group and RSVP to an event, easy as that.  I've met a lot of great friends through this site and I highly recommend it! 

(Naturally) Sweet Dreams!

1 comment:

  1. I love meetup, too! It's the greatest thing since....sugar free fat free yogurt!
